Lapis Lazuli
- £2.10
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Lapis Lazuli
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Associated Crystals: Azurite, sodalite and turquoise.
Candle Colour: Royal blue.
Chakra: Brow and third-eye.
Associated herbs: Cedar, frankincense, sage and sandalwood.
Zodiac: Libra.
Deities: Isis, Venus, Nuit
Associated Metal: Gold
Powers: Healing, joy, love, fidelity, psychism, protection, courage.
Lapis Lazuli has timeless association with kings and queens. In ancient summer the stone was closely associated with the deities in general. Carrying it, its possessor bore the potent magic of a deity, for the stone contained the soul of the deity, who would "rejoice in its owner."
The stone is both healing and soothing. It is used in rituals designed to attract spiritual love. It is considered a potent fidelity charm and so is worn to strengthen the bonds that have grown between two lovers.
Lapis Lazuli is a beautiful blue stone with gold flecks known to the Egyptians as "the stone of heaven".
Lapis Lazuli opens the third eye and balances the throat chakra. It stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work and psychic abilities, facilitating spiritual journeying and stimulating personal and spiritual power. The stone quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It possesses enormous serenity and is the key to spiritual attainment.
It is a protective stone that contacts spirit guardians. This stone recognises psychic attack, blocks it and returns the energy to its source.