Aventurine - Green (2 stones)
- £1.80
Aventurine - Green (2 stones)
Shop > Crystals ~ Rough and Tumbles
Shop > Crystals ~ Rough and Tumbles
Aventurine ~ Green
Energy ~ Projective
Element ~ Air
Powers: Mental powers, eyesight, gambling, money, peace, healing, luck
Birth Stone: Libra
Magical uses: Green aventurine is worn to strengthen the eyesight. It is also worn and used in spells to increase perception, to stimulate creativity, and to enhance intelligence. A all round good luck stone.
Aventurine is a very positive stone of prosperity. It has a strong connection to the devic kingdom and is used to grid gardens or houses against geographic stress. It reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. It promotes compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance.
Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer, and general harmonizer, protecting the heart. Said to be useful in relieving migraines and soothing the eyes